084-402020, 9748004002
Situated near the entrance of Bardia national park in south western Nepal, Racy Shade Resort’s team offers you 20 years of experience in welcoming and guiding travelers in Bardia National Park.
600km south west of Katmandu, Bardia National Park, home of the local ethnical group named the Tharus, is located in the low lands of Western Nepal covering 968 km2. Some interesting species (tigers, wild Asian elephants, swamp deer…) can be observed in Bardia.
The park includes sub-tropical forest, swamps and grasslands where over 600 species of animals live. Among them are birds, tigers, leopards, one horn rhinoceroses, swamp deers, black bucks, wild elephants, Indian otters, Mugar and Gharial crocodiles, Gangetic dolphins, two species of monkeys…
Bardia National park is you best chance to see tigers in the wild !